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Data Collection

There are up to 20 types of data generated in a sports training environment. Efforts to accurately collect this data are still ongoing. Data collected only by drones sets a new standard beyond the accuracy of existing equipment.

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Precision Sensing Technology

Self-driving drones developed in-house use a variety of sensing technologies. In particular, it works perfectly in urgent sports training situations, enabling cm-level precision control. Data collected by precise sensors is once again provided to users as precise data, showing more accurate figures than any other service to improve their performance.

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About 20 Types of Data

Instantaneous speed, average speed, speed for each section, stride length, stride rate, left and right balance, limb angle, form for each section, etc. There is so much data that users need. However, we select and provide only the data you need. There is no need to waste time on too much data or data that is difficult to apply. Based on years of accumulated experience, we select and provide only the data that users need.

Quick Analysis

In order to capture the player's game scene, the drone recognizes the player you want to film and

You need to calculate the speed and fly at the same speed.

Analyzes video information from the camera to recognize the subject you want to shoot

Predicts the direction and speed of movement and controls the drone accordingly.

This allows you to capture vivid scenes as if you were running right next to the athletes.

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