Innovation in sports data analysis, 9.57
9.57 is solving problems in new ways that no one could have imagined.
Forward thinking, more creative solutions, and a vision that helps me grow.
9.57 always waits and welcomes talented people.
We are always growing.
Talented people from various fields constantly communicate and grow.
Sharing the value of growth and looking forward to new developments.
Isn’t that exactly what we expect?
Stock options provided (when working for a certain period of time)
Severance pay payment
Summary of the four major insurance policies
Business laptop support
Supports personal monitor, keyboard, and mouse
Book purchase support
Snacks provided
Flexible lunch time
Working environment
Group uniform provided
Provision of office supplies
Organizational culture
Christmas holiday leave provided
horizontal organizational culture
A company dinner without pressure
autonomous clothing
Free use of legally specified annual leave
Closed on founding day
Flexible work commute
Flexible commuting time due to overtime work
Temporary personal time guaranteed
Actively introducing welfare systems necessary for growth
Document Screening
Documents will be reviewed based on basic qualifications and job suitability.
Any portfolio
Agnostic to format.
1st Interview
We focus on talking about coding based on the portfolio.
We will discuss various topics such as career and experience based on job competency, etc.
2nd Interview
We talk about everything other than actual job duties.
We aim to talk as much as possible with each other in a free atmosphere.
You'll have a real contract.
We'll go over the compensation plan we've already talked about and finalize the details one more time.
We are hiring for
Full stack development
Sports data management web service development
Other development related
Drone Embedded
Development of drones to assist sports training
Sports training recording & video data collection autonomous drone development
Deep Learning Video
Recognizing the path the drone should take
Utilization of machine learning to secure drone flight and usability for sports training, including sports trainer recognition
Front-end, back-end, mechanical design engineers, aviation and robotics, autonomous flying drone systems, overseas sales, etc.
Always hiring in other fields