New Sports Data Analysis
Various methods of analysis are needed to improve sports performance, such as data analysis and video analysis.
We analyze all the data the user wants with 9.57 million self-driving drones that never existed before.
For better performance, for my own new record through new data analysis.
9.57 always solves problems in new ways.
New Solution
Pace-Making Training
My own best record, the record of someone I really want to compete with. Wouldn’t you like to do competitive training together? We will always be your pacemaker. Even if it is a world record that is difficult to come by on a daily basis.
Record Analysis
We will carefully analyze your performance. The experience that comes with an easy-to-read UI is always new. We provide up to 10 recorded data, including instantaneous speed, average speed, section speed, starting speed, and stride speed.
Video Analysis
We provide video analysis data that no one could have imagined. 9.57's new autonomous drone, which can maintain a fixed height, angle, and speed, makes it possible. We help you improve your performance by analyzing up to 10 video data, including balance check, trace analysis, limb angle, and sectional form.
Data Sharing Platform
Your data, created with great difficulty, will be used where it is most needed. My own recorded and video data can be compared and analyzed with other users and will become essential data to create better performance.